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I Love the American School System!


It's that time of the year again! A new semester has started at college. And just so you know where I stand on this, college is absolutely a scam. A worthless degree that leaves you with a lifetime of debt SUCKS!!! >:( Not to mention you can literally learn anything online for free, and universities indoctrinate you with all sorts of SILLY BILLY hocus pocus mumbo jumbo.

So then, you may ask, why on earth am I still going? Well, there is one exception, (at least for now, in this brief window of time before degrees become completely worthless), and that is that STEM degrees can actually provide a return on investment as well as useful knowledge and skills.

And although everything taught in a STEM degree can also be learned online, it's the degree (and possibly networking), not the knowledge that you're after. Couple that with the fact that I've always wanted to go, have nothing else better to do at the moment, and that it's completely paid for, and it's more a question of why not?

I'm going for a masters in Mechanical Engineering. A degree so broad that you can go pretty much anywhere with it. I love the physical sciences and nature of our universe. That shit is fascinating to me.

I was torn between this and Computer Science, until I realized that what I really wanted to learn from CS was programming, not all of the abstract data math and stuff. And the ME courseload has tons of programming in it, so its the best of both worlds.

I think working at a National Lab would be sick, like some real Gordon Freeman Black Mesa type shit.

A Blog is Born!


I am Aaron (aka Asrob, aka Air) and this is my blog. This serves as a place for me to speak my mind.

I've always wanted to keep a jorunal, because writing can be so good for you're soul, processing thoughts, self-reflection, y'know, all that stuff. And what better place to store this writing than on than on the internet! Where it will be forever backed up!